I’ve been passionate about physical therapy for as long as I can remember, but helping women and moms feel capable and strong in their own bodies is truly the job of my dreams. When I'm not serving women across the globe you can likely find me on a family walk with my little girl (Ava), my husband and rescue pup.
If you’re a first time mom then you have probably Googled “what to pack in my hospital bag” about 100 times and found an exhaustive list of items. I know I sure did. As a first time mom you have no idea what you will want during delivery and you are likely even more clueless about what your needs will be during your hospital stay.
Now I know it is nearly impossible to predict exactly how your delivery process will go. Will you delivery vaginally or via cesarean? Will your baby come fast or take her time? Will you tear or will you manage to walk away tear-free? Will you need an epidural or will you go unmedicated? There are so many unknowns regarding labor and delivery, so it can be difficult to pack the perfect bag without knowing exactly what you will need.
photo courtesy of Bella Baby Photography, a service offered through the hospital where we delivered
Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.
Some of the items I brought in my bag I did not use or did not use much of in the hospital, but they were extremely helpful to have on hand for when I got home from the hospital. Check out my postpartum pelvic floor essentials post for the items that were the most helpful in aiding my pelvic floor recovery.
But I am happy to share what I brought and what I actually used. Please keep in mind that I am a pelvic floor physical therapist, so of course there are going to be quite a few more pelvic floor healing items in my bag than most. However, if you’re able to bring these items and actually use them during your stay I promise you will not regret it.
Below is the same list of what I packed, I just italicized the items I actually used in the hospital and bolded the ones I did not use. I also made notes next to each item, so make sure to read through it all!
I tried very hard to pack a super minimal bag, which is why I hardly had any unused items. Also, my biggest piece of advice is to use a small, carry on suitcase rather than a duffle bag. It held every item no problem and was incredibly easy to transport. Hope this was helpful! I’ll do a follow up on items I wish I had brought (but there really aren’t too many).
[…] personally packed a portable squatty potty with me in my hospital bag and was so glad I did! We also have one in every bathroom in our house – no shame […]
[…] personally packed a portable squatty potty with me in my hospital bag and was so glad I did! We also have one in every bathroom in our house – no shame […]