Pelvic Floor & Core Support Garments

  1. Paige says:

    Is the bodily abdominal binder ok to use lost vaginal delivery with prolapse? Worried about too much pressure.

    • Mae Hughes says:

      Hello! The main concern when using any abdominal binder is putting it on too low and too tight which can cause pelvic floor dysfunctions. If you have concerns about that then I would highly recommend the Support Bloomers from BaoBei that I have linked in the post! They provide more gentle compression from the pelvic floor up to help with pelvic heaviness.

  2. Morgan says:

    Hi! I had twins in January and was verrrry stretched – delivered at 37+5. I had an unplanned cesarean after a long labor and I’m now 6mo PP and I still have a distended belly even though I’ve been doing PFPT and my diastasis is closing – around 1 finger now from 3. I had an exam that determined that my uterus has contracted so the issue is that my tissues have stretched so much that my uterus and intestines fall forward with gravity and cause the distention. PT and OB have recommended wearing a support garment to keep gravity from making things worse while my soft tissue tightens back up. I can’t find anything comfortable to wear all day! Help?

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